martes, 18 de abril de 2017

April 18th - Exercises 5° grade


(Write the following information in your notebook)

April 18th, 2017

TOPIC: What's on TV + structure.


(Write and draw the types of TV show that appear on the book; p. 13)

Class Activity

1. Watch the following fragments and identify the type of TV shows.

1) The tonight show starring Jimmy Fallon: ________________________

2) Super Bowl XLVIII: ________________________

3) The price is right: ________________________

4) Chalkzone: ________________________

5) Clue: ________________________

6) The Wizard of Oz: ________________________

7) CNN: ________________________

8) Planet Earth II: ________________________

2. Write your favorite show for each type.

My favorite cartoon is: ________________________
My favorite series is: ________________________
My favorite documentary is: ________________________
My favorite talk show is: ________________________
My favorite news is: ________________________
My favorite sports program is: ________________________
My favorite game show is: ________________________
My favorite movie is: ________________________

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