viernes, 11 de agosto de 2017

August 11th - Exercises 4° grade

boys and girls these are the exercises we will work on this class to practice the topic Wonderful world + Structure.

August 11th

Class Activity

1) Write real examples of the natural places, 1 per each place. Look for them on the internet.

2) Write activities you can do in each natural place, 1 per each place. Look for them on the internet.

3) Read the description and write the natural place:

A high elevation of earth: _________________
A stream of water: _________________
A zone with a vast number of trees: _________________
A high elevation of earth with lava inside: _________________
A limited body of water: _________________

4) Read the description of the photos from the page 49 and identify them by writing down the name of the place.

He is wearing a blue coat and an orange cap. He has a map: _________________
She is wearing a green dress. She is in a boat. _________________
She is wearing a pink bathing suit. She has a ball _________________
He is wearing a red cap, a green T-shirt. He has a camera and an orange backpack. _________________ 
He is wearing a green sweater, a yellow scarf and a red hat. _________________
She is wearing a pink hat and a yellow t-shirt. _________________
She is wearing a green sweater and blue jeans She has a red tent. _________________
He is wearing a white trench coat and he is eating ice-cream. _________________ 

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