martes, 8 de agosto de 2017

August 8th - Exercises 3° grade

boys and girls these are the exercises we will work on this class to practice the topic Nature Park (simple present DOES).


August 8th,2017
TOPIC: Nature Park (simple present DOES)

An eagle can fly

Explanation: To make a question change the position of the subject with can.

Can an eagle fly?


Yes, it can.
No, it can't.


Choose the correct short answer
Answer correctly to help the elephant to cross the wire
Answer by writing short answers
Answer correctly to help the penguin to cross the ice
Organize the words to write questions
Look and answer
Organize as fast as you can the words to write sentences
Answer correctly to shoot the catapult
Match the questions and answers
Complete the sentences with 'can' and the verb.
Put in order the words
Answer correctly to kick the ball

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